New Delhi: At Vishwak Sen’s Das Ka Dhamki event, which took place in Hyderabad a few days ago, Jr. NTR served as the chief guest. Fans of NTR frequently questioned him about his upcoming movie when he was at the event. The RRR star joked that if fans keep pestering him for movie updates, he will stop acting. The actor will shortly begin production on the upcoming movie, the actor 30, directed by Koratala Siva.
Jr NTR at Dhamki event
In the film RRR, directed by SS Rajamouli, the actor played the part of Komaram Bheem. Currently, the actor is preoccupied on his next movies.
After returning from Los Angeles following his Oscar victory, Jr. NTR attended the Das Ki Dhamki pre-release event in Hyderabad. Fans questioned him about his future movie at the occasion.
He jokingly said he will quit films and added, “I am not doing any movie. If you ask repeatedly, I’ll stop doing movies.”
He instantly reassured them, though, that he has no intention of leaving and will return shortly.
Work Front
The audience is intrigued by Junior NTR’s movie alongside Koratala Siva. The film’s theatrical debut is set for April 5, 2024. After the actor turns 30, Jr. NTR will work on Prashanth Neel’s KGF.
The upcoming movies starring Jr. NTR will be revealed soon.
Also Read: NTR 30 Update: Jr NTR, Janhvi Kapoor’s film to launch on THIS date, details here
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