Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, currently lodged in Mandoli Jail near Delhi, has penned a heartfelt three-page letter to Jacqueline Fernandez, sparking speculation about their relationship. Sukesh, who referred to Jacqueline as his ‘lady love,’ hinted at a ‘biggest surprise’ for the actress and the world this year, fueling rumors of a possible marriage.
In the letter, Sukesh wrote, “My Lady Love Jackie, My Botta Bomma, wish you a very Happy New Year. Baby girl, 2025, the year of 9. This is our year. The year where I am gonna, prove my love, for you, and gonna pull out the biggest surprise ‘of’ and ‘for’ our love, before this world, who thinks I am obsessed, and our love is scary.”
The conman admitted his ‘obsession’ for Jacqueline Fernandez and claimed it stems from their deep bond. He added, “There is no doubt that I am obsessed of you my baby, because I know you love me more because I have been always only obsessed of you and forever, as you always say. We are old school, and one has to be overly obsessed in love with your partner, if you really mean the word ‘love’ for that person. Baby no matter what the world thinks, all that matters, is about what you feel and you have always told me, how you love it, when I am always obsessed of you.”
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The letter also spoke of new beginnings and healing from past negativity. Sukesh wrote, “…more importantly proving to the world that none of the so-called crime stories were ever true, and only thing that was ever true, was our love and obsession for each other.”
Jacqueline Fernandez, who recently promoted her upcoming film Fateh in a stunning saree, was praised by Sukesh. He referred to her as his ‘real Barbie Doll’ and called the photoshoot ‘dope.’ Wishing her good luck for the film, he said, “Baby thank you for stunning me… Baby can’t wait for the list of surprises lined up this year for us, for starter’s being back together, and painting this world red with our love for each other.”
Sukesh expressed his regret for any hardships Jacqueline faced in their relationship and promised a fresh start in 2025. He wrote, “Baby girl once again sorry for everything that you went through, in this relationship, 2025, is gonna be a fresh start, I promise to make you feel proud of us and our love.”
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Calling their relationship ‘JFS,’ Sukesh described their love as eternal. He wrote, “Trust me baby our love story will set an example for generations to come, will surely make you feel proud my jaan.”
Concluding the letter, Sukesh addressed critics of his ‘obsession,’ stating, “To all those lovely people who think my ‘obsession’ is ‘scary’… Ask the girls how they like it in their men – obsessed or taken for granted? As I know the ‘one’ mine likes obsessed in love.”
The letter has left fans and media speculating about Jacqueline’s plans, particularly Sukesh’s mention of the ‘biggest surprise’ and a ‘fresh start,’ raising questions about a potential wedding in 2025.