The 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) will pay tribute to four Indian cinematic legends for their contribution to Indian Cinema. IFFI will pay homage to the extraordinary legacy of Raj Kapoor, Tapan Sinha, Akkineni Nageshwar Rao (ANR), and Mohammed Rafi through series of tribute and interactive events.
The festival is scheduled to take place from November 20 to 28 in Goa. The program will have various events to celebrate these legends and their contribution to Indian Cinema.
In the tribute to these legends, IFFI will present versions of their timeless classics restored by NFDC-NFAI.
The Art Of The Legends
Indian actor and film director Raj Kapoor’s Awaara will be showcased in digital form. This celebrates Raj Kapoor’s unparalleled contribution to Indian cinema.
The classic Harmonium, which is directed by Indian Film director Tapan Sinha, will be screened. Harmonium, signifies his artistic legacy.
Further, The Classic Hum Dono will be screened with song by Legendary singer Mohammed Rafi. This will celebrate the voice of Mohammed Rafi. This will be screened in its enhanced audio and visual restoration.
Devadasu, to be presented as a landmark film that signifies Akkineni Nageswara Rao’s (ANR) place in cinematic history.
About The Event
They have released a Press release regarding this. The opening ceremony to have performances paying tribute to lives and the achievements of these legends. The deep conversation and interaction with family members of these legends provides unique insight to their lives. IFFI will unveil a Unique “MY Stamp” dedicated to these legends.
A musical journey featuring 150 songs connected with Raj Kapoor and Mohammed Rafi, and 75 songs associated to Tapan Sinha and ANR will immerse the audiences.
Sand art illustration will be created in Kala Academy, as part of tribute to these Legends. This will be made by Padma Shri Awardee and famous Sand Artist Sudarshan Pattnaik.
This event will provide a closer look at the contribution of these legendary film personalities.