Bollywood filmmaker Hansal Mehta shared an emotional message on social media, expressing his regret for not offering an apology to former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. In a poignant tribute to Dr. Singh, Mehta, who portrayed Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in The Accidental Prime Minister, acknowledged the burden of not apologizing to the late politician and stated it was a mistake he would carry with a heavy heart.
Apology From Hansal Mehta
The filmmaker’s heartfelt message was posted on his official X account following Dr. Singh’s death on December 26 at the age of 92. “The nation owes him an apology. More than anybody else, I owe him one,” Mehta wrote. “Whatever the compulsion or intent, it is a regret I will carry with a very heavy heart. Sorry, sir,” he added.
The nation owes him an apology. More than anybody else, I owe him one. Whatever the compulsion or intent, it is a regret I will carry with a very heavy heart. Sorry, sir.
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) December 27, 2024
Besides your achievements as an economist, Finance Minister, and Prime Minister, you were an honorable…
Mehta’s apology stems from his role in portraying a controversial period of Dr. Singh’s tenure as Prime Minister in the film The Accidental Prime Minister. The film, which focused on Singh’s leadership during the UPA era, was criticized for its portrayal of Singh as a puppet figure. Mehta’s public regret reveals a personal reflection on his role in the film and its implications on Dr. Singh’s legacy.
Praising Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Legacy
Mehta also took a moment to praise Dr. Singh’s remarkable grace and dignity amidst the turbulent world of Indian politics. He acknowledged Singh’s legacy not only as an economist and former Finance Minister but also as an “honorable man- a rare gentleman in a vocation dominated by ruffians.”
Dr. Singh is widely regarded as the architect of India’s 1991 economic reforms and played a significant role in shaping the nation’s financial future. Despite his remarkable achievements, his tenure was not without criticism, particularly during his second term as Prime Minister.
National Mourning For Dr. Manmohan Singh
In the wake of Dr. Singh’s passing, the Government of India has announced a seven-day state mourning in his honor. The national flag will be flown at half-mast, and no official entertainment will take place during the period. A state funeral will also be conducted in recognition of his contributions to the nation.
As the nation mourns the loss of Dr. Manmohan Singh, tributes continue to pour in from politicians, celebrities, and the general public alike, remembering his calm leadership and transformative impact on India’s economy.