Sunita Ahuja, wife of Bollywood actor Govinda, recently revealed that the couple mostly lives separately despite being married for nearly 37 years. While Sunita resides in an apartment with their children, Govinda stays in a bungalow located opposite their flat.
“We have two houses. I live in the flat with my kids, while he stays in the bungalow. He loves chatting and often gathers people around, which keeps him busy late into the night,” Sunita shared.
Concerns Over Changing Dynamics
Sunita also expressed a shift in her feelings of security within the marriage. Reflecting on their relationship, she admitted, “I used to feel secure earlier, but now I don’t. You never know what people do behind your back. Never trust a man.”
She quipped about her husband’s age, saying, “After 60, people can lose their senses. Earlier, he was too busy to do anything else, but now, I worry because he has more free time.”
Sunita lamented the lack of romance in their relationship, stating that Govinda’s work commitments have always taken precedence. “He never goes on holiday or even out for pani-puri with me. I don’t recall a single instance when we went to watch a movie together,” she said.
She humorously added, “In my next life, I have told him not to be my husband. He spent so much time working that now I feel scared he might do something since he is idle.”
A Marriage Of Four Decades
Govinda and Sunita tied the knot in 1987 when she was just 18 years old. The couple has two children, Yashvardhan Ahuja and Tina Ahuja. Despite their challenges, they continue to share moments of their enduring bond on social media.
Sunita’s candid revelations shed light on the complexities of their long-standing marriage, balancing love, trust, and changing dynamics over the years.