The Ram Charan and Kiara Advani starrer Game Changer continues to lead the box office battle despite a sharp decline in collections post its massive opening. The film, which earned an impressive Rs. 51 crore on its debut, recorded Rs. 8.50 crore on its first Monday. With a total domestic collection of Rs. 97 crore in four days, the movie is inching toward the Rs. 100 crore milestone. However, its inability to sustain momentum over the weekend, where collections dropped to Rs. 21.6 crore on Saturday and Rs.15.9 crore on Sunday, raises concerns about its long-term performance.
Fateh Struggles To Keep Up
In contrast, Sonu Sood’s directorial debut, Fateh, is struggling to leave a mark. The action-drama earned a modest Rs. 2.4 crore on its opening day, followed by Rs. 2.1 crore on Saturday and Rs. 2.25 crore on Sunday. On Monday, the film witnessed a further dip, collecting just Rs. 85 lakhs. Its total box office collection now stands at Rs. 7.6 crore, reflecting underwhelming audience reception despite discounted ticket pricing and extensive promotions.
Telugu vs Hindi Versions: A Regional Edge
Game Changer’s Telugu version dominates the box office, although it saw a significant decline from Rs. 41.25 crore on Day 1 to Rs. 6.65 crore by Monday. Surprisingly, the Hindi-dubbed version maintained a steady graph, contributing Rs. 22.9 crore to the total earnings. Meanwhile, Fateh’s Hindi release struggled to gain traction, with its performance falling short even in smaller markets.
Audience Reception And Criticism
While Game Changer has been criticized for its inability to sustain its blockbuster opening, Fateh faced challenges with limited emotional depth in its storytelling. Despite receiving a 3-star review from news24 for its portrayal of cybercrime, Fateh failed to convert critical appreciation into ticket sales. On the other hand, Game Changer sparked controversy with allegations of inflated Day 1 box office figures.
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With Game Changer approaching the Rs. 100 crore mark and Fateh struggling to break even, the box office clash highlights the unpredictable nature of audience preferences. While Game Changer faces pressure to sustain its momentum, Fateh will need exceptional weekday performance to recover from its slow start.