The box office collections of Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, continued to experience a sharp decline on its eighth day. After a massive opening with Rs. 51 crore, the political drama’s earnings slowed down significantly. According to early estimates from, the film earned Rs. 2.65 crore on Day 8, bringing its total collection after eight days to Rs. 120.30 crore. The film had grossed Rs. 186 crore worldwide on its opening day, but the claim was met with accusations of inflating box office numbers. As per, Game Changer’s global earnings currently stand at Rs. 164.8 crore, including Rs. 30 crore from overseas collections till Day 7.
Game Changer is a political drama and is available in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam. Ram Charan plays a dual role, portraying a father-son duo, with key roles played by Kiara Advani, S. J. Suryah, Nassar, Brahmanandam, Vennela Kishore, and Murali Sharma. The film follows Charan’s character as an IAS officer urging the public not to hoard essentials, with several intriguing avatars of his character unfolding as the story progresses.
‘Fateh’ Struggles At The Box Office
On the other hand, Fateh continues to underperform at the box office, showing a modest collection in its first week. The film earned Rs. 11.10 crore in its first seven days but saw another drop in earnings on Day 8. As per early estimates, the film made just Rs. 0.25 crore on its eighth day. The film’s overall collections now stand at Rs. 11.35 crore.
Fateh’s Week 1 Box Office Performance
The film had a weak start, earning ₹2.4 crore on Day 1 (Friday) and showed a slight dip over the next few days. The earnings fluctuated throughout the week, with a significant drop of 57.78% on Day 4. However, it saw a slight recovery with ₹1.5 crore on Day 5, only to fall again to ₹0.75 crore on Day 7. The overall drop in the collections and low earnings on Day 8 further underline its underwhelming performance at the box office.
While Game Changer continues to rake in considerable collections despite its recent decline, Fateh struggles to maintain momentum, with minimal earnings on Day 8. Both films are facing contrasting trajectories at the box office, with Game Changer still holding a stronger grip on audiences compared to Fateh.