Indian actor Saif Ali Khan recently faced a shocking experience that has left the Bollywood community in disbelief. Late Thursday night, he was tragically stabbed seven times by an intruder in his bedroom. Fortunately, he was quickly taken to the hospital for treatment.
This incident highlights that Saif isn’t the only celebrity to have faced such frightening situations; several other stars have also experienced similar incidents of robbery. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Amitabh Bachchan
In a 2001 interview, Amitabh Bachchan recounted a terrifying robbery incident that took place in Boston, USA. He stated that six men attacked him.
Saif Ali Khan
In 2014, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was robbed by some employees of his production company, Illuminati Films. Valuable items were taken during this incident, raising concerns about trust and security in his workplace.
Ajay Devgn And Kajol
In 2013, two servants of a Bollywood star couple executed a daring theft at their Juhu residence, stealing 17 gold bangles worth Rs. 5.10 lakhs. This incident raised concerns about security in the homes of high-profile individuals.
Sushmita Sen
In 2012, Sushmita Sen set off for an exotic vacation in Greece, excited to explore its beautiful landscapes. Unfortunately, her trip took a disappointing turn when her belongings were stolen at the busy Athens airport, leaving her shaken amidst the chaos of travel.
Sonam Kapoor
In 2016, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor had a diamond necklace worth Rs 5 lakhs stolen from her home. The theft gained media attention, and police started an investigation to find out what happened and who was responsible.
Salman Khan
While filming ‘Sikandar,’ an unauthorized individual reportedly gained access to the set of the movie featuring the ‘Dabangg’ superstar, Salman Khan. This incident raised concerns about security measures for high-profile production and the risks involved with allowing non-credentialed individuals on sets.
Shah Rukh Khan
In March 2023, two men from Gujarat broke into Shah Rukh Khan’s mansion, Mannat. This raised concerns about safety and privacy for the celebrity. Authorities quickly launched an investigation to understand how the break-in occurred.
Also Read Saif Ali Khan Health Update: Doctor Calls Him A ‘Real Hero’; Says ‘If Knife Was 2 Mm Deeper..’