New Delhi: Veteran Telegu filmmaker Sagar has passed away. The director died on Thursday, February 2, in Chennai, due to age-related problems. He was 70. Many people associate the filmmaker with films such as Amma Donga and Public Rowdy. Sagar’s full name was Vidya Sagar Reddy. He was always referred to as ‘Sagar,’ however. Before making it prominent in the profession, Sreenu Vaitla, VV Vinayak, and Ravi Kumar Chowdhary served as his assistants.
Director Sagar died on February 2nd due to age-related problems. Rakasi Loya, starring Naresh, was his directorial debut. Stuvartpuram Dongalu, on the other hand, proved to be his breakout film.
The film, directed by Bhanu Chander, became a box office success. Sagar later directed films like Khaidi Brothers, Nakshatra Poratam, Ammanaakodalaa, and Amma Donga. Under him, Sreenu Vaitla, VV Vinayak, and Ravi Kumar Chowdhary refined their skills. They gradually became famous in their own right.
Sreenu Vaitla Condoles the demise of Filmmaker Sagar
Sreenu Vaitla, the director of films like King and Dookudu, was a protégé of Sagar’s. In a poignant message, he paid respect to the filmmaker. He referred to him as his “guru” and stated that he will be remembered forever.
Sreenu’s tweet read: “It is extremely painful to know that my guru Sagar garu is no more. He took care of all his assistants very affectionately and taught many valuable things. He was a great support for all of us.You will be remembered forever sir Om Shanthi.”
It is extremely painful to know that my guru Sagar garu is no more. He took care of all his assistants very affectionately and taught many valuable things. He was a great support for all of us.
You will be remembered forever sir
Om Shanthi..🙏🙏— Sreenu Vaitla (@SreenuVaitla) February 2, 2023
Sagar’s death is a big loss for Telugu cinema.
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