Actor and daughter of Bhagyashree, Avantika Dassani faced a harrowing experience at Mumbai airport after her IndiGo flight was grounded due to a bomb threat hoax. The incident took place on January 13, when a fake threat call prompted airport authorities to initiate a security protocol, resulting in a six-hour delay, reported News 18.
Initially scheduled to land at 10:30 pm, the flight ultimately touched down at 3:30 am. During the prolonged wait, airport officials conducted meticulous searches and investigations to verify the credibility of the threat. The situation was finally resolved after no explosive device was found on the aircraft.
With the all-clear given, airport operations returned to normal, allowing relieved passengers, including Avantika Dassani, to continue their journeys.
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A source close to the media house revealed, “The airline received a tip from an unknown source that there’s a bomb on the flight which sent shivers down the spine of each and everyone on the flight and were a part of its operations. After the tip, the passengers were left waiting at the airport. There was a sense of paranoia amongst all the passengers and Avantika’s family members too who were praying for her safe return in Mumbai.”
A spokesperson of the airline also issued a statement after reaching Mumbai and clarified that everything is fine. “All standard operating procedures were followed and the aircraft was positioned back to the terminal post clearance from relevant authorities,” read the statement.
Avantika later shared a video on her Instagram story, informing followers about the incident. “So started 2025 with a bomb scare on our flight last night,” she wrote.