Laapataa Ladies Picked For Oscars 2025: Pratibha Ranta, who played the role of Jaya in Kiran Rao’s Laapataa Ladies is elated as her debut film has been picked as India’s official entry for Oscars 2025. The Kiran Rao directorial will now compete for a nomination in Best Foreign Film Category.
Sharing her joy, the actor tells us. “I still can’t process this news. I was busy reading, when my phone started ringing, and it has not stopped since then. When I picked it up to see what has happened, I was shocked. It is unbelievable for me. I don’t have words to express what I am feeling right now.”
Pratibha tells us that this move has changed everything for her, and it will continue to do so. “All I can tell you is that our lives will change entirely after this. I am looking forward to what happens next.”
While she was working on the project, the actor says, she always knew that a good film was being made. “I knew Laapataa Ladies was special for so many reasons, but I did not anticipate it being India’s official entry for Oscars even in my dreams. It just feels so special.”
Ever since the news has been out, the actor is getting congratulatory messages from all. “Everyone from my family as well as the Laapataa Ladies team has been calling and texting me. That’s why my phone has been so busy. One thing I know is the celebrations have just begun and it won’t stop anytime soon. And that’s what I want. I want people to keep celebrating this film,” she ends.