Beloved Bollywood film Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai will soon make a triumphant return to theaters on Jan 10th 2024, coinciding with Hrithik Roshan’s 51st birthday. Directed by Rakesh Roshan, the film originally released on January 14, 2000, and marked the debut of both Hrithik Roshan and actress Ameesha Patel. The re-release is part of a celebration of the film’s 25th anniversary, with special screenings organized by PVR INOX cinemas.
Fans Eager To Relive The Magic
Fans of the film are buzzing with excitement as they prepare to experience the timeless love story and memorable music on the big screen once again. PVR Cinemas announced the re-release on their official Instagram account, inviting audiences to celebrate both the film’s legacy and Hrithik’s stellar debut.
Dalip Tahil Shares Insights On Set Dynamics
In an exclusive interview, veteran actor Dalip Tahil aka Shakti Malik who played a pivotal role in Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai, shed light on the dynamics between Rakesh and Hrithik during the film’s production. Tahil dispelled myths about favoritism on set, emphasizing Rakesh Roshan’s professionalism. “Despite it being Hrithik’s debut film, there were absolutely no special privileges given to him on set,” he stated. “Rakesh Roshan is a very experienced director, and he treated Hrithik like any other professional actor. He understood that giving his son preferential treatment would not only be unfair to the other cast members but would also do a disservice to Hrithik himself.”
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While conversing Tahil recounted how Rakesh maintained a clear boundary between his roles as a father and a director. “When Rakesh was on set, he was not just Hrithik’s father; he was the director. He ensured that Hrithik received the same treatment as everyone else, focusing solely on performance and professionalism,” he explained. “This approach not only fostered a healthy working environment but also allowed Hrithik to shine based on his talent rather than any perceived advantages.”
Hrithik Roshan Shines Through
The actor praised Hrithik’s dedication and work ethic, noting that he displayed remarkable focus and commitment throughout the filming process. “Even though he came from a prominent film family, Hrithik was grounded and showed no signs of entitlement. He was committed to his craft, which is a testament to his upbringing,” Dalip Tahil remarked.
As Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai prepares to enchant a new generation of viewers, Dalip Tahil’s reflections serve as a reminder of the hard work and dedication that went into creating this cinematic gem. With no special treatment on set, Hrithik Roshan’s success story is a true testament to talent, perseverance, and the unwavering support of a professional father.