Gurmeet Choudhary made his grand debut on Netflix with the second season of popular web series ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein’ and has gained immense praise for his performance. As ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein Season 2’ came to an end, fans are eagerly looking forward to its next season. In an exclusive chat with News24, Gurmeet shares if he felt any pressure while joining an already hit series and gives hints about ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein Season 3’.
Talking about the pressure he felt while working in ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein Season 2’, Gurmeet tells us, “Not just one, there is a lot of pressure. Because when a new person comes into a village, people have a lot of trouble accepting it. That’s the nature of humans. So, I knew that it would be very difficult but I did a lot of hard work. The stunt you are seeing is all real. I have done it. The way Siddharth (Sen Gupta) sir has written the scenes and how it has been filmed are also interesting. It was a challenge for me but people liked it. And now people are saying that they want to see me more in projects.”
He adds, “So, I hope that (Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein) season 3 comes soon because my character has a lot of scope to be explored.”
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The actor also received appreciation from former sniper and RAW agent Lucky Bisht. While reacting to Lucky Bisht’s praise for him, Gurmeet tells us, “I am a big fan of Lucky Bisht. I start my day by watching his videos every day because I am also a big patriot like him. My dad was in the army and his dad was also in the army. I was really happy when he saw that series and said that he remembered his days (from the army) by watching my action. So, it is a big compliment that came from someone, who is an ex-RAW agent and from the army. People love him and he made my day. I am in touch with him. I am very lucky that I got a chance to meet him and he praised me.”
‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein’ also stars Tahir Raj Bhasin, Shweta Tripathi and Anchal Singh in the lead roles.