Ektaa Kapoor, who is basking in the success of her latest film The Sabarmati Report, has sparked a social media storm with her recent Instagram post aimed at ‘unprofessional actors’ spreading false information about her shows. In a bold statement, Ektaa criticized actors who mislead the public in interviews, urging them to stop spreading skewed stories. She wrote, “Unprofessional actors giving interviews about my shows should shut up! False information & skewed stories. Can only last till I talk… but there is dignity in silence.”
While Ektaa did not directly name anyone, fans and social media users have quickly speculated that her cryptic post is a subtle dig at actor Ram Kapoor. The rumors gained momentum after Ram Kapoor recently discussed his experience working on the iconic show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain (BALH). During an interview, Ram revealed that he was initially hesitant about filming the first-ever kiss scene in Indian television history, which he shared with his co-star, Sakshi Tanwar.
Ram Kapoor Talks About BALH and the Iconic Kiss
In his interview with Siddharth Kannan, Ram shared how Ektaa wrote the controversial kissing scene and how he worried about its impact on ratings. “Ektaa’s the one who wrote the scene, wanted us to do it. I asked her, ‘Are you sure? This has never happened on television before, it’s a big thing,’” Ram recalled. Despite his concerns, Ektaa was confident the scene would be successful. After seeking approval from his wife and reassuring Sakshi, Ram eventually went ahead with the scene, which went on to become a landmark moment in television history.
Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, which aired from 2011 to 2014, was a massive hit and remains one of the most beloved Indian television shows. The kiss scene still stands as one of the most iconic moments in Indian TV history.
Ektaa’s social media post has ignited a wider debate on the professionalism and accuracy of interviews given by actors. While the identity of the actor she’s addressing remains a topic of speculation, her remarks reflect her frustration with the potential harm caused by misleading stories about her shows. The controversy has raised questions about the responsibilities of actors when discussing their work in public, especially when it involves a producer’s creative vision.