Dua Lipa took Mumbai by storm with her grand concert on Saturday night. She is one of the most popular singers in the world and also has a huge fan following in India. She made Bollywood fans go gaga with her performance on the mashup of the songs ‘Levitating’ and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Woh Ladki Jo’. For the unversed, a mashup of these two songs has been viral on social media for over a year.
Many netizens even joked that Dua Lipa should perform on the mashup and fans were clearly delighted to see that the popstar turned their wish into a reality. The crowd loudly cheered for Dua Lipa when the ‘Woh Ladki Jo’ song was played at the concert.
Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana even posted a video of Dua Lipa performing ‘Levitating’ and ‘Woh Ladki Jo’ on her Instagram story.
Meanwhile, several celebrities even attended Dua Lipa’s concert. Radhika Merchant, Anant Ambani, Mahesh Babu’s daughter Sitara, Ranvir Shorey, Neha Sharma, and several others were clicked outside the venue.