New Delhi: Ajay Devgn starrer Drishyam 2 is shining with flying colours at the box office. The film which released on November 18, made a collection of a whopping Rs 27 crore on its third day. Although Monday saw a slight drop but it did not make any difference to the film’s collection.
On its fourth day, Drishyam 2 collected Rs 11.50 crore at the ticket windows, taking the total collection to Rs 75.64 crore. Meanwhile, Drishyam 2 had an overall 20.54 per cent Hindi occupancy on Monday. At this rate, the film will easily collect Rs 100 crore in the first week itself.
On day 3, the crime thriller crossed the mark of Rs 60 crore nett. According to trade reports, the Ajay Devgn starrer ended the first weekend of its theatrical run at Rs 63.97 crore. Its single-day collection was a whopping Rs 27 crore. Meanwhile, Drishyam 2 had an overall 60.26 per cent Hindi occupancy on Sunday, November 20.
Meanwhile, Abhishek Pathak-directed movie has the potential of becoming one of the highest-grossing Hindi films of 2022.
About Drishyam 2
Meanwhile, in the film, Tabu’s character is no longer a police officer and instead is working to defeat Ajay Devgn’s character. Given that the movie is a suspense thriller, it makes sense that Tabu is reluctant to give away any secrets.
The film is directed by Abhishek Patha, the movie has been produced by T-series and Panorama Studios. The film also stars Shriya Saran and Ishita Dutt in pivotal roles.
Also Read: Drishyam 2 box office collection: Ajay Devgn starrer crosses 60 Cr mark
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