Diljit Dosanjh’s eagerly awaited film, Punjab ’95, has been delayed again, leaving fans heartbroken. Originally set for release on February 7, the film will no longer make its debut on the planned date due to ongoing struggles with the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). This delay marks over a year of challenges for the film, which is based on the life of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra.
CBFC’s Censorship Battle: A Major Hurdle
The major reason for the delay stems from the film’s ongoing battle with the CBFC. Initially, the board requested 120 cuts to the film, which has caused significant disruption in its release schedule. The film, which portrays Khalra’s courageous fight to expose the extrajudicial killings of Sikh youth by the Punjab Police in the 1990s, has sparked considerable controversy, especially due to its sensitive subject matter.
Diljit and Producer Express Regret
Diljit Dosanjh and producer Honey Trehan took to Instagram to share the disheartening news with fans. In a joint statement, they expressed their regret over the situation, saying, “We are sorry and it pains us to inform that Punjab ’95 will not release on 7th Feb due to circumstances beyond our control.” Fans had been eagerly anticipating the release, and the announcement left them disappointed by the unexpected setback.
Just a week before the release date was announced, Diljit dropped an exciting trailer for the film, raising hopes among fans for its worldwide release. The trailer garnered over 300,000 views within 20 hours but was later removed from YouTube in India. Users encountered a message saying, “The uploader has not made this video available in your country,” which only deepened the controversy surrounding the film’s censorship issues.
The film’s portrayal of Jaswant Singh Khalra’s life has also drawn the support of his widow, Paramjit Kaur Khalra, who has strongly opposed the proposed cuts. She believes that the film, which was made with the family’s consent, should be released without any alterations, to preserve the historical accuracy and impact of her husband’s story. Khalra’s tragic abduction and murder by the Punjab Police in 1995 is central to the film’s narrative.
Fans Left Waiting For The Final Release Date
As of now, fans will have to wait for more updates on when Punjab ’95 will finally be able to hit the screens. Despite the hurdles, there remains significant anticipation for the film, which is set to be a powerful tribute to Jaswant Singh Khalra’s legacy. Stay tuned for further announcements regarding its release.