As a birthday gift to fans, digital creator Ashish Chanchlani has shared the first look of his directorial debut project, which is slated to release in 2025. Ashish will not only wear the director’s hat, but also work as a producer, actor and writer on the initiative. The project will me producer under his banner ACV Studios, which he launched announced in the same post.
The thrilling first-look poster features dark silhouettes of figures holding lanterns. These figures, with Ashish in the center, create an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere. The project is set to be a horror-comedy that will bring an amalgamation of suspense with supernatural elements, promising an exciting and spine-chilling experience for audiences. Even more exciting to note here is that the project will be released only on ACV Studios YouTube Channel.
Taking to his Instagram handle, the content creator, who rose to fame for his long-format comedy videos, shared a poster, revealing the title of the project. Alongside the first look, he wrote, “Comedy of errors or comedy of horrors 👹 You decide #Acv159 can you guess the star cast? Coincidently, Today on my birthday i complete 10 years in the youtube industry. And as my new phase begins as a creator as well as ashu myself, i am proud to tell you all we are launching our own production house @AcvStudios_
With this new beginning we are elated to tell you exciting fresh stories from our heartland filled not just with comedy, but horror, thrills and yes emotions as well. This project is my love letter to every ACVIAN
Thank you for being there. See you on YOUTUBE 👀😈”
Check out the post below:
More About Ashish Chanchlani
The actor-YouTuber recently made headlines for his inspirational weight loss journey, a glimpse of which was shared on his social media. Talking about the struggles of being obese and realization to get in shape, he told Hindustan Times, “I’ve always wanted to lose weight. And when I say lose weight, I mean lose fat. You know, you make plans as a fat kid, as an overweight or obese person, but it never happens. But one day came when I was weighing almost 130 kgs. I saw myself in the mirror, and I was very disappointed. At that time, I was shooting videos, and I used to always take close-up shots because I didn’t want anyone to see my belly. I also used to double-layer my clothes.”
He added, “I thought about how my health was getting really bad, and I was also going through some personal problems in my life. You feel like a loser. And I was nearing my 30s. So, when I started my transformation journey, I was almost 29. I told myself – almost promised myself – that I would leave my triple-digit weight forever. I started last year, and before December 2023 (because that’s when I was turning 30, on December 8), I wanted to go into double digits. On June 8, 2023, I was 130 kgs, and on December 8, 2023, I weighed 88 kgs.”