The Mumbai Police have suffered a setback in the Saif Ali Khan attack case. Fingerprint analysis conducted by the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has revealed that the fingerprints found at the actor’s residence do not match those of Shariful Islam Shehzad, the Bangladeshi national arrested for the alleged attack.
19 sets of fingerprints were collected from actor’s residence after the attempted burglary and knife attack on him. A system-generated report later established that the prints do not match Shariful’s. The CID, sources said, they have informed the Mumbai Police that the test result is negative. Now, Mumbai Police has sent more samples for further testing, reported NDTV.
This development has fueled speculation on social media that the wrong individual may have been apprehended. The Mumbai Police are now facing scrutiny as they investigate this crucial discrepancy.
Accused’s Father Defends Son
Amid the ongoing investigation, the accused’s father, Md Ruhul Amin Fakir, defended his son and asserted that his son is being wrongfully dragged in the matter. While talking to IANS, Fakir said, “From what is shown in the CCTV… my son never keeps his hair long. I believe my son is being framed.”
Further sharing the reason for his son’s illegal immigration to India, he said, “He left Bangladesh and came to India for one reason – the political unrest in Bangladesh… He was working where he received a salary, and his employer even rewarded him…”
About The Attack On Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan was attacked January 15, by an intruder, who broke into his home and allegedly tried to kidnap him son Jeh. The 54-year-old actor, however, bravely confronted the assailant, but was tragically attacked with a knife, sustaining six stab wounds.
The actor was taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he was trated for spinal injury and more. The doctor at the hospital later revealed that the knife used to attack him narrowly missed his spinal cord, coming perilously close at just 2 millimeters.
He was released from the hospital on Tuesday and after considerable recovery and is currently resting at home under doctor’s orders for a week of strict bed rest.