New Delhi: India leg spinner Yuzvendra Chahal and his choreographer wife Dhanashree Verma are speculated to be heading towards a divorce. The rumours first surfaced after Dhanashree removed Chahal from her Instagram moniker. It was then followed by a cryptic post from the cricketer who shared a post on Instagram story which read: “New life loading.”
The couple trended big time on social media which led both of them to comment on the the rumours. Taking to their Instagram stories, both Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma refuted the rumours and penned an identical note that read, “A humble request to you all to not believe, in any sort of rumours pertaining to our relationship. Kindly, put an end to it. Love and light to everyone.”
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Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma announced their engagement in August 2020 and tied the knot the same year in December. The couple are extremely popular on social media and often win internet with their funny videos. Dhanashree has also accompanied her husband to various tournaments.
For the unversed, Dhanashree Verma is a Youtuber and dance choreographer and has a wide following on social media.
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Chahal on the other hand is one of India’s leading spin bowlers in limited overs cricket and a star performer in the IPL.
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