In a surprising twist during his concert in Bengaluru on Friday night, Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh welcomed Bollywood’s newest mommy, Deepika Padukone, on stage. The unexpected moment came as Deepika made her first public appearance since giving birth to her daughter, Dua Padukone Singh. Diljit, holding Deepika’s skincare product, interacted with the audience, humorously stating he was not promoting the brand but instead sharing his own skincare secret. His comment, “Let me tell you the secret of my beauty. I wash my face with this bathing suit,” left the crowd in laughter, as he emphasized it was not an advertisement, and he had not been paid for it.
Deepika Padukone, visibly surprised by the introduction, was seen backstage as she prepared for her stage entry. Sharing the moment on Instagram, Diljit referred to Deepika as “Queen @deepikapadukone On DIL-LUMINATI TOUR IN BENGALURU Year 24.” He praised her hard work in Bollywood, stating, “Deepika Padukone, can you believe guys? She has worked incredibly, and we have seen her on the big screen. Never did I think I would see her from so close. She is lovely and created her place in Bollywood solely because of her hard work. We are all very proud of her.”
Look At The Instagram Post: –
Videos of Deepika grooving at the concert, including one where she was teaching Diljit some Kannada lines, quickly circulated on the internet. Deepika made her public appearance in a comfortable white sweatshirt paired with baggy denim, minimal makeup, and her hair left loose.
Watch The Video: –
Since becoming a mother in September 2024, Deepika has focused on nurturing her daughter Dua while keeping busy with professional commitments, including her recent role in Rohit Shetty’s “Singham Again.”
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