New Delhi: Deepika Padukone attended The Business of Fashion event in Paris among other notable celebrities, including Kylie Jenner, Jared Leto, Jaden Smith, Natasha Poonawalla, Charli XCX, and Ellie Goulding, among others, days after hospitalisation and separation rumours. Numerous images of the Bollywood actor posing with the guests were shared by fan pages, along with images from the official Business of Fashion page. FKA Twigs, social media star Khaby Lame, Ashley Graham, Coco Rocha, Hari Nef, Jasmine Tookes, Jordan Barrett, Georgia May Jagger, and Jourdan Dunn were among the other famous people mentioned.
Deepika, who looked dressed in a gold top and black heels, talked about how she has tried to break the glass ceiling with her work in Bollywood and beyond.
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Responding to a question about raising the profile of Indian actors abroad, she said, “I have always set out to do what I do with purpose and always trying to do things differently in the way that they have always been done. I’ve always questioned why there has not been enough representation, why casting has always been a certain way, why we are not seeing enough. I don’t think I’ve been bitter about it.” She added that she would like to bring about a purpose in her craft. “I wake up every morning with purpose and want to make a difference to the lives of millions of girls like me,” she said and also mentioned her appearance at Cannes 2022, where she served as jury and said that she feels grateful.
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Meanwhile, on the film front, Deepika has Pathaan with Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham lined up in 2023, along with Fighter, Hrithik Roshan. The actor was last seen in the film Gehraiyaan, directed by Shakun Batra.