New Delhi: Deepika Padukone’s 2023 premiered with a bang, and the stars are rising. Pathaan has become one of the biggest blockbusters in Indian film, and the Jawan actor will be presenting an Oscar at this year’s ceremony.
There is some exciting news concerning her Prabhas film, Project K, right now. Deepika Padukone reportedly received more than Rs 10 crore for her performance in Nag Ashwin’s Project K.
According to rumours, the Pathaan actor recently attended Paris Fashion Week and will then travel to Los Angeles for the Oscars.
In this film, Deepika Padukone will appear alongside Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan. Amitach Bachchan recently suffered an injury on the set of Project K.
Meanwhile, Big B was hurt on set and took to his blog to explain what occurred. Amitabh Bachchan told his fans that he was OK and relaxing.
He wrote, “And it needs to be told, not be held. In Hyderabad at the shoot for Project K, during an action shot, I have got injured, rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage, canceled shoot, did Doctor consult and scan by CT at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home (sic). Strapping has been done and rest been advocated, yes painful, on movement and breathing, will take some weeks they say before some normalisation will occur. Some medication is on also for pain. So all work that was to be done has been suspended and canceled dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs (sic).”