New Delhi: Netflix on Saturday dropped a teaser of upcoming show Class, which is loosely based on Spanish show Elite. The story, in the Indian adaptation of the show, takes place in New Delhi’s prestigious Hampton International school. When three new students from vastaly diverse background cross paths, things are sure to turn upside down.
In this young adult series, families, relationships, and the lives of students from prominent families are upended by the turbulent events that result from the collision of two worlds. Check out the teaser below:
Produced by Bodhitree Multimedia Limited in association with Future East and directed by Ashim Ahluwalia, the series stars Gurfateh Pirzada, Anjali Sivaraman, Ayesha Kanga, Chayan Chopra, Chintan Rach, Cyaawal Singh, Madhyama Segal, Moses Koul, Naina Bhan, Piyush Khati and Zeyn Shaw in leading roles.
Director Ashim Ahluwalia, in a statement, mentioned, “As a filmmaker and storyteller, Class is a universe I always envisioned designing for India. Each character’s journey is unpredictable and fascinating. Young people can be highly emotional and impulsive, which makes for great dramatic conflict. Nobody remains unchanged and these layers in the narrative make it a wild, addictive watch.”