Television actress Vaishnavi Dhanraj, known for her roles in popular shows like Beyhadh, CID, and Bepannah, has stunned everyone with a recent revelation about experiencing physical abuse from her own family. In a viral video on social media, she recounts the distressing incident where her family members subjected her to severe physical assault. Dhanraj took the step of filing a complaint against them at the Kashimira (Mira Road) Police Station, seeking assistance from her friends and the media to bring attention to her plight. The shocking revelation has garnered widespread attention.
She is #VaishnaviDhanraj, who did TV shows like #CID, #Madhubala, #Bepannaah etc.
---Advertisement---Right now she is in #KashimiraPolice station. And she needs help from the media.
I don’t have words to express my gratitude to #MumbaiPolice. You guys are loving, helpful and amazing. Love you❤️
---Advertisement---— K Himaanshu Shuklaa (@khimaanshu) December 15, 2023
The video depicts Vaishnavi Dhanraj sitting at the police station, urgently seeking assistance from the media. The CID actress can be heard saying, “Hi, this is Vaishnavi Dhanraj. I really need help right now. I’m at Kashimira police station, and I’ve been abused by my family, suffering severe physical harm. Please, I need help from everybody in the media, news channels, and everyone in the industry. Please come and help me.”
Vaishnavi revealed visible bruises and injury marks on her face and body. It’s worth noting that Vaishnavi Dhanraj had previously endured a toxic marriage with Nitin Sherawat. The two got married in 2016, but she eventually divorced him due to recurring incidents of domestic violence. In a previous interview with Spotboye, Vaishnavi shared, “He wouldn’t have killed me, probably, but I got so scared that I ran away from the house. He had beaten me so badly that my leg was bleeding. That was my last day as his wife—emotionally, physically, and mentally. I eventually got a divorce.”