The upcoming film Chhaava, based on the life of Maratha warrior-king Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, is facing significant backlash after its trailer was released. Former Rajya Sabha MP, Sambhajiraje Chhatrapati, raised concerns about the historical accuracy of some scenes, especially the portrayal of a dance sequence featuring lead actors Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna. The scene shows Vicky Kaushal as Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and Rashmika Mandanna as Maharani Yesubai dancing together, which has triggered a wave of protests.
Sambhaji raje Calls for Historical Accuracy
Sambhaji raje, a descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, urged that the film be shown to historians before its release to ensure its historical authenticity. In an interview, he stated, “It is important that this significant story is presented correctly. I’ve seen the film’s trailer, but I would like to watch the entire movie before it is released.” He also expressed his willingness to connect with the filmmakers to ensure that any inaccuracies are corrected before the film reaches a global audience.
In response to the trailer, several Maratha organizations organized protests at Pune’s historic Lal Mahal. One protestor expressed their concern, saying, “We cannot accept the portrayal of Sambhaji Maharaj and Maharani Yesubai dancing together after the coronation. This scene is a distortion of history. We demand that the filmmakers consult historians and only release the film after receiving their approval.”
Rashmika Mandanna’s Emotional Response
Rashmika Mandanna, who plays the role of Maharani Yesubai in the film, expressed her emotions after watching the trailer. The actress conveyed her excitement for portraying such an important historical figure, but also surprised fans by discussing her future career plans at the trailer launch event, even hinting at her potential retirement, which sparked further discussions among her fans.
The controversy surrounding Chhaava has raised questions about the portrayal of historical figures in cinema, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like the legacy of revered leaders. As the film’s release date approaches, the debate over its accuracy and the depiction of historical events continues to grow.
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