Nayanthara recently released her wedding documentary titled ‘Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale’ on Netflix, which showed some glimpses of her personal life. The documentary earlier got into a controversy after Dhanush sent a legal notice to Nayanthara for the usage of footage from ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ without permission. Nayanthara then penned an open letter to Dhanush and slammed him for his legal notice. According to recent reports, the makers of ‘Chandramukhi’ also sent a legal notice to the actor for not seeking proper permission to use footage from the movie.
Meanwhile, according to ETimes, the makers have denied the rumours of sending a legal notice to Nayanthara or Netflix for the usage of any clip from ‘Chandramukhi’. They claimed that they had already allowed Nayanthara to use the footage. The reports of ‘Chandramukhi’ makers sending notice to the ‘Jawan’ star surfaced after actor Chitra Lakshmanan shared a video about the same on his YouTube channel.
About Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale’s Controversy
Nayanthara wrote an open letter for Dhanush, calling him out for sending legal notice over a small clip. She wrote, “The vengeance that you have been festering against the film, my partner and I, doesn’t just affect us but the people who have given their effort and time towards this project. This NetFlix Documentary about me, my life, my love and marriage includes clips of many of my industry well-wishers who have graciously contributed and memories from multiple films, but sadly does not include the most special and important film, Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.”
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She added, “After two long years of battling it out with you for an NOC (No Objection Certificate) and waiting for your approval for our NetFlix documentary release, we finally decided to give up, re-edit and settle for the current version since you declined to permit the usage of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan songs or visual cuts, even the photographs to say the least despite multiple requests. The songs of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan are appreciated till date because the lyrics came from true emotions, knowing that there’s no better music that we could use in our documentary, your refusal to give us the opportunity to use it, or even just lyrics from the songs, broke my heart.”
Later, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter India, she addressed this controversy and said, “Courage comes from truth. If I didn’t speak out when things went too far, no one would have the courage to stand up for themselves. This wasn’t about tarnishing anyone’s image or promoting my documentary.”
Nayanthara and Dhanush shared a good relationship before and also worked on some hit projects.