Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured in a shocking robbery at his residence in Bandra (West) on Thursday around 2:30 am. The actor was reportedly asleep at the time, along with other family members, when a robber broke into the house and allegedly attacked him.
According to police reports, the robber fled the scene after the family members woke up, prompting an immediate investigation. The Bandra police are working to trace the culprit and have formed several teams to track him down. An FIR is in the process of being registered.
Khan Hospitalized With Multiple Injuries
A senior IPS officer confirmed the attack, stating that Saif Ali Khan has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital for treatment. While it is not yet clear whether the actor was stabbed or injured during a struggle with the robber, investigations are ongoing. The Mumbai crime branch is also conducting a parallel probe into the matter.
Actor Undergoing Surgery
The hospital confirmed that Saif Ali Khan was brought in at 3:30 am and sustained six injuries, two of which are deeper. One of the injuries is close to his spine. A team of medical professionals, including Neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, and Anaesthetist Dr. Nisha Gandhi, is performing surgery on him. The extent of his injuries will be determined after the surgery is complete, according to Niraj Uttamani, CEO of Lilavati Hospital.
The police are working diligently to gather details about the suspect and are hopeful of making a breakthrough soon. The investigation into this disturbing incident continues.