Indian filmmaker and producer Boney Kapoor has recently been in the spotlight for his supportive comments about Allu Arjun at the ‘Galatta Plus Mega Pan India Producers’ Round Table 2024. The panel included a great mix of industry talents, such as Boney Kapoor, Naga Vamsi, Archana Kalpathi, Siddharth, Don Palathra, and Dr Chandini S Sasha.
In the conference, when he talked about South Indian fan’s reaction to renowned stars, he said, “When I first saw Ajith’s film releasing, it released at 1 in the morning. I was shocked to see 20-25k people outside the theatre. After I came out of the show around 3.30-4 am, there were still 20-25k people outside to get in. I am told the same thing happens with films of Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi, or present-day stars like Jr NTR, Ram Charan, and Mahesh Babu.”
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Talking about the Allu Arjun stampede case, he further linked in the conversation and said, “Ticket rates are inflated on the first two days or at least the first day for extra shows. This is why this situation has arisen where, unnecessarily, Allu Arjun was dragged and blamed for the death of a fan. It was only because of the crowd that had gathered to see the film.”
About Pushpa 2 Stampede Case
At the premiere of his movie “Pushpa 2- The Rule,” a tragic incident took place when actor Allu Arjun stepped out of his car to greet fans. This had led to a stampede, causing chaos among the crowd. Unfortunately, a woman had lost her life, and her son had been hurt badly and is now recovering in the hospital.
As a result of this incident, Allu Arjun had been arrested on December 13. He had appeared in court, where the judge had ordered him to be held for 14 days. However, he had later been granted temporary bail for four weeks after paying a bond of Rs 50,000.
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