New Delhi: Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are expecting their first child together. The duo tied the knot in 2016 in the presence of their family and friends. Now, the couple is set to embark on a new journey. According to a Pinkvilla report, the duo is expecting their first child together. According to a source close to the actor-couple, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are in a very happy space, and are excited to become parents soon. They will reportedly be making an official announcement soon.
Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover completed six years of marital bliss this year. On their anniversary earlier this year, Bipasha had taken to social media to express her love for the Dill Mill Gayye actor. “Thank you @iamksgofficial, for my smile on my face and in my eyes. From the day I met you it’s become brighter by a gazillion times. I love you now and beyond forever,” she captioned a video. Karan too wrote on Instagram, “Thank you for being mine and making me the luckiest, most joyful and the most loved person in the whole wide world! @bipashabasu I sleep every night thinking that I can’t possibly love you any more and then I wake up every morning feeling how silly I was last night because I definitely love you so much more now! It’s a vicious cycle! Happy 6th Anniversary my love!”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Karan was last seen in the web series, Qubool Hai 2.0 with Surbhi Jyoti, while Bipasha was seen in crime thriller mini-series, Dangerous.