The 18th season of Salman Khan’s popular show Bigg Boss recently concluded on January 19, with Karan Veer Mehra crowned as the winner. The top three contestants included Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, and Rajat Dalal, with Rajat finishing third and Vivian as the runner-up. Now, buzz around Bigg Boss OTT 4 has already begun. Unlike previous seasons, rumors suggest a fresh face might host this edition instead of Salman Khan or Anil Kapoor, leaving fans curious about what’s in store.
Who Will Host Bigg Boss OTT 4?
Speculations are rife on the internet that Salman Khan and Anil Kapoor might not return as hosts for Bigg Boss OTT 4. Instead, fans are abuzz with rumors that Elvish Yadav, the winner of Bigg Boss 2, could step into the spotlight. Many online discussions and fan predictions strongly point to Elvish taking over hosting duties, adding a fresh twist to the upcoming season.
However, there is no official confirmation regarding who will host the fourth season of Bigg Boss OTT. Neither the makers have issued a statement, nor have they addressed the speculations. However, fan discussions hint at the possibility of a host change this time. Notably, the previous season of Bigg Boss OTT faced significant commercial losses, which could prompt the producers to explore new options for the show.
After the losses incurred during the third season, there’s uncertainty about the future of Bigg Boss OTT 4. Reports hint at a potential comeback, but no official confirmation has been made yet. Fans are curious about possible changes, will the format evolve? Will a YouTuber replace a Bollywood star as the host? While speculation runs wild, the final decision rests with the makers, and only time will reveal what’s in store for the show’s next chapter.