Renowned voice artist Vijay Vikram Singh, the narrator of Bigg Boss for over 15 years, has been receiving death threats and online abuse from fans of Rajat Dalal, a social media influencer and former contestant of Bigg Boss 18. Dalal’s supporters have taken to social media, venting their frustration after their favorite lost the BB 18 trophy to Karan Veer Mehra in the season finale on January 19, 2025. Dalal finished as the second runner-up, with Vivian D’Sena emerging as the first runner-up.
Online Abuse Turns Threatening
The threats began shortly after the finale aired, with fans of Dalal accusing Singh of bias and attacking him in direct messages and public posts. Many appear to have misunderstood Singh’s role, mistaking him for the authoritative “Bigg Boss” voice that interacts with contestants. This confusion led to targeted harassment, with threats extending to Singh’s family.
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In one instance, a fan page of Rajat Dalal posted, “You did wrong with Rajat Dalal; your family and kids will never be happy.” The abuse escalated to the point where Singh had to disable comments on his recent social media posts.
Clarifications Fall On Deaf Ears
Singh addressed the backlash in a video message, clarifying his role on the show. “I am merely the narrator of Bigg Boss. I narrate tasks and timings for the audience but have no connection to the voice that speaks to contestants,” he explained in December 2024. Despite his plea, the abuse continued.
This is not the first time Singh has faced online hate. During an earlier season, he received similar messages after the eviction of contestant Digvijay Rathee. Singh had then reiterated his limited role in the show’s production, requesting fans to stop holding him accountable for decisions made by the creators.
Supporters of Dalal have also accused the show of being “fixed,” criticizing the decision to crown Karan Veer Mehra as the winner. While Singh has distanced himself from the controversies, the backlash highlights the growing toxicity within online fandoms.
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Vijay Vikram Singh has not yet filed a formal complaint but is reportedly considering legal action if the threats persist. For now, he continues to focus on his work, urging fans to distinguish between his professional role and the show’s production decisions.