In the latest promo of Bigg Boss 18, the dynamic between the housemates took an unexpected turn when Vivian Dsena, one of the most popular contestants, confronted his close friends Avinash Mishra and Eisha Singh over their nominations and asked Avinash Mishra “Why did you nominate me?”. As the show nears its climax, the increasing tension and drama in the house are keeping viewers on edge. The pressure to survive in the game is at an all-time high, and the nominations process has become a focal point of the ongoing conflicts.
Vivian, who shares a strong bond with Avinash and Eisha, seemed visibly shocked when Avinash had nominated him for elimination. Known for his calm demeanor and strategic gameplay, Vivian is not one to shy away from calling out his friends when he feels betrayed. His reaction reflected the emotional turmoil that contestants often go through when faced with such shocking twists, especially when it involves people they trust. In a conversation Vivian asked Avinash ” Tu toh Shilpa ko bhi nominate kar sakta tha tune mujhe hi kyun kiya?”
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: These Contestants To Face The Heat Of Nominations, Who Will Be Evicted?
Avinash and Eisha, on the other hand, justified their nominations, stating that in the game of Bigg Boss, personal bonds often have to take a backseat when it comes to securing one’s position. Eisha, who has been playing a careful game, explained that she nominated Vivian to maintain her standing in the game, not out of malice. Avinash echoed similar sentiments, asserting that the competition was tough, and every contestant had to make tough choices to stay in the game.
This incident between Vivian, Avinash, and Eisha has added another layer of tension within the house, especially as contestants get closer to the finale. The friendships and alliances formed throughout the show are now being put to the test, and the stakes have never been higher. Whether their friendship will survive or not can only be known in the coming episodes.