The latest promo of Bigg Boss 18 has left viewers buzzing, as Vivian Dsena confronts Shilpa Shirodkar in an explosive manner. Known for his straight forward nature, Vivian’s outburst shocked housemates when he accused Shilpa of planning strategies behind the scenes. In conversation with friend Shilpa, Vivian said “Ab Shilpa ji against Vivian hogai hai aur Karan aur Vivian mein khel toh sirf aap hi rahi hai.”
Shilpa, who has been a strong and vocal contestant, has often been accused of using Karan Veer Mehra and Vivian Dsena to influence the game. While some see her as a mastermind, others, including Vivian, believe she’s playing both sides to further her own agenda. The promo hints at Shilpa’s reaction to Vivian’s accusations, suggesting that a heated argument is on the horizon.
Fans React To The Promo
The promo has sparked intense debates among fans on social media. Fans have applauded Vivian for exposing what they believe to be Shilpa’s hidden agenda and have speculated that this clash is going to be a major highlight in the upcoming episode. A fan said ” Gshilpa out.”