Bigg Boss 18 has unveiled its Top 6 contestants, but in a surprising twist. According to unofficial reports, Shilpa Shirodkar’s journey has come to an end in the middle of the finale week, shocking both her fans and viewers. The news was broken by Omung Kumar, the designer of the Bigg Boss house, who made a special appearance during the finale week to announce her elimination. Here are 5 key reasons that could be behind her possible eviction.
The Karan-Arjun Angle
When Shilpa Shirodkar entered Bigg Boss 18, rumors quickly circulated that she was playing a “Karan-Arjun” game. By becoming a mother figure to Karan Veer Mehra and Vivian Dsena, Shilpa often found herself entangled in the rivalry between the two contestants.
Struggling To Find Her Own Identity
Throughout her Bigg Boss 18 journey, Shilpa Shirodkar failed to establish her own identity. To progress in the game, she relied on the support of Karan and Vivian. The viewers were eager to see Shilpa play the game on her own, but that never happened.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Another Shocking Eviction, Shilpa Shirdokar Eliminated Ahead Of Finale?
🚨 BREAKING! Shilpa Shirodkar is EVICTED from Bigg Boss 18 house in FINALE WEEK
— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) January 14, 2025
Betraying Karan Veer Mehra
Shilpa Shirodkar claimed to be Karan veer Mehra’s true friend from the beginning, but she was the first to nominate him for elimination. During the Time God task, Shilpa chose Vivian over Karan to win. Fans were quite upset with her behavior and she had received a lot of back lash after this.
Shilpa’s Lack Of Clarity
Shilpa Shirodkar started with a clear alliance between Karan and Vivian but often seemed unsure about her relationships throughout the game. She lacked clarity, a fact that Salman Khan pointed out on multiple occasions, emphasizing her constant confusion.
Weak Game Plan
Looking at the current contestants in Bigg Boss 18, Shilpa Shirodkar’s game appeared to be weak. Only one person can become the winner, and perhaps due to a lack of votes, Shilpa Shirodkar’s dream of winning might not come true.