After an emotional Family Week, Bigg Boss 18 contestants are back to focusing on the game. In tonight’s Weekend Ka Vaar episode, Salman Khan will hold the housemates accountable for their actions over the week, delivering some hard-hitting reality checks. Among those who will face the heat is none other than the ‘Laadla’ Vivian Dsena. However, it won’t just be Salman who will give Vivian a reality check, TV actress and former contestant Kamya Punjabi will also have some tough questions for him.
Salman Khan Raises Questions
A promo related to Bigg Boss 18 Weekend Ka Vaar has surfaced on social media. In the promo, Salman Khan and Kamya Punjabi are seen schooling Vivian Dsena and attempting to wake him up from his slumber. Both of them raise five questions about Vivian’s game.
#WeekendKaVaar Promo: Kamya Panjabi & Salman Khan SLAMS Vivian Dsena for his WEAK Game
— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) January 3, 2025
Kamya Punjabi Schools Vivian Dsena
The promo begins with actress Kamya Punjabi addressing Vivian Dsena. She says, “What’s going on, Vivian? You’ve been invited for years, but you never showed up. You didn’t come this year either. You’ve become cold and sluggish. I’m very upset with you.” After this, Salman Khan adds, “You’re playing on your home ground, and now you’re losing on your own turf. So what’s the point?”
In the promo, Kamya tells Vivian, “You led a show on Colors, but why couldn’t you become a leader in the Bigg Boss house?” Salman then adds, “Vivian is only focused on his voice and looks. He’s playing a character, not being his true self. It should have been this way, it should have been that way if this continues, the game will be over for him.”
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Shocking Eviction After Family Week, Is This Contestant Out Before The Finale?
An Attempt To Make The ‘Laadla’ Win?
Vivian Dsena seemed to agree with Salman Khan and Kamya Punjabi’s comments. Earlier, Salman had also advised Vivian to become more active in the game. Are makers making an attempt to wake up Vivian’s dormant game as the finale draws near? It remains to be seen how much impact Salman and Kamya’s words will have on Vivian.