In a dramatic turn of events during the family week of Bigg Boss 18, Chaahat Pandey’s mother, Bhavana Pandey, confronted contestant Avinash Mishra over alleged derogatory remarks made about her daughter. The confrontation escalated as Bhavana labeled Avinash a “womaniser” and vehemently denied any claims of Chaahat Pandey having a boyfriend. She further stated that her daughter would marry anyone, even someone with disabilities, if it meant fulfilling her wishes.
Salman Khan Exposes Secrets
The tension reached new heights with the release of a new promo featuring host Salman Khan, who appeared to contradict Bhavana’s claims. In the promo, Khan stated, “Aapke mummy ne ye kaha tha Chaahat ko aise ladke pasand nahi hain jo ladkiyon ke aage peeche ghume,” implying that Chaahat’s mother had given her a “character certificate.” The promo then revealed a photo of Chaahat with a cake from her “secret” boyfriend, celebrating their five-year anniversary, which directly challenges her mother’s assertions.
Check-Out The Promo:
Avinash’s Role Under Scrutiny
As the promo unfolds, Avinash, who has previously worked with Chaahat on two serials, urges her to acknowledge the relationship. Chaahat Pandey, visibly taken aback, struggles to respond, while Avinash insists, “Sabko set pe pata hai.” This revelation has led to speculation among fans and viewers about Avinash’s role in the show, with many suggesting that he is being portrayed as the ‘real laadla’ or favorite of Bigg Boss and Colors TV. Critics argue that the makers are attempting to whitewash his image, especially in light of past controversies, including the Kashish case.
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As the season progresses, viewers are left wondering how these revelations will impact the dynamics within the house and the public perception of both Chaahat and Avinash. The ongoing saga continues to captivate audiences, raising questions about the true nature of relationships in the high-stakes environment of Bigg Boss 18.