In the latest promo of Bigg Boss 18, Rajat Dalal and Digvijay Rathee are seen at against each other during the intense TIME GOD task, which has quickly become one of the most talked-about moments of the season. As the task unfolded, both Rajat and Digvijay, who have been close allies throughout the show, were seen suddenly clashing, resulting in a heated argument that quickly escalated into a physical confrontation. The fight has left the housemates and viewers shocked, especially since Rajat and Digvijay had always been seen as strong supporters of each other. The once-friendship between the two is now in jeopardy, with both contestants appearing frustrated and furious during the altercation.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Rajat Dalal To Be Crowned The New TIME GOD?
Why Did The Fight Happen?
The TIME GOD task required contestants to complete challenging activities within a set time, with each individual’s performance crucial to their survival in the game. It is being speculated that Digvijay, feeling that Rajat was using his position unfairly, confronted him, leading to a verbal exchange that quickly turned physical. Both contestants have strong personalities, and with the high-pressure environment of Bigg Boss 18, both started pushing each other.
Fan Reactions
The promo has sparked a wave of reactions on social media, with fans expressing shock over the sudden fallout between the two contestants. Viewers, who had long been invested in Rajat and Digvijay’s bond, are now questioning whether their relationship will survive this fight. A fan said “rajat is just a big downgrade, once a friend now he’s pushing digvijay openly, atleast jo friendship thi uski toh respect rakhleta.” Another viewer said “This Gunda dalal is showing his real so called bhai chara now, he is so frustrated with Digvijay that he is unable to control his anger Throw this criminal Dalal out of this show”
rajat is just a big downgrade, once a friend now he's pushing digvijay openly, atleast jo friendship thi uski toh respect rakhleta 🙏🏻🙂#DigvijayRathee #BiggBoss18
— sh. (@worldofshhh) December 2, 2024
This Gunda dalal is showing his real so called bhai chara now, he is so frustrated with Digvijay that he is unable to control his anger
— 𝕏⁷ (@pratikxlucifer) December 2, 2024
Throw this criminal Dalal out of this show #DigvijayRathee #BiggBoss18