Bigg Boss 18 has witnessed yet another shocking twist, as Chaahat Pandey and Shrutika Arjun bid adieu to the show, just a week before the finale. While Shrutika was eliminated mid-week, Chaahat left on the weekend, leaving behind Rajat Dalal, Karan Veer Mehra, Shilpa Shirodhkar, Avinash Mishra, Eisha Singh, Chum Daran, and Vivian Desena as the top seven contestants.
However, in a new unofficial update, it has been revealed that one more contestant will be eliminated mid-week, reducing the top seven to the top six. As a result, the voting lines have been opened, and fans are aggressively voting for their favourite contestants, all of whom have been nominated and are under the radar of eviction.
Voting Trends: Who’s Leading And Who’s Lagging Behind?
The opening trends, shared by several fan pages and Twitter handles, provide a glimpse into who is leading the race and who is at the bottom. As expected, Shilpa Shirodkar and Eisha Singh are at the bottom of the charts with the least number of votes, especially considering the backlash they faced during the recent media interaction in the house.
Eisha Singh was questioned for her contribution to the game and was slammed for reaching this point only because of Avinash’s support. She was also criticized for backstabbing, fighting, and talking about other contestants throughout the game.
Shilpa Shirodhkar, on the other hand, was tagged as someone who has no self-respect and was behind Vivian Desena for an apology. She was also criticized for not having strong opinions in the game.
Avinash Mishra secured the fifth position, which comes as a shocker considering his significant contribution to the game. He has been one of the contestants who has shown interest and urge to win the game, but it seems like things are not striking the right chord with his audience.
Chum Darang secured the fourth place, thanks to the last week’s discussion and fight with Vivian Desena, which brought her into the spotlight once again, making her one of the most relevant contestants who is making the game interesting.
Contrary to expectations, Vivian Desena has secured the third position, while Karan takes the second spot. Vivian’s fans will need to vote aggressively to make him the winner, or he risks lagging behind. Karan Mehra’s confidence in his position has been justified, as fans have shown him immense love, bringing him to the top two. His contributions to the game have been significant, and he has taken stands in the house, not only with his housemates but also with Salman Khan.
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Who Is At The Top?
The biggest surprise, however, is Rajat Dalal, who has taken the top spot. Despite being the underdog of the house, he has managed to reach this level without any strong connections. His personality has won over the audience, who are now rooting for him to win the game.
FINALE WEEK MID-Week EVICTION Opening voting trends !!
— BiggBoss24x7 (@BB24x7_) January 14, 2025
1) #RajatDalal
2) #KaranveerMehra
3) #VivianDsena
4) #ChumDarang
5) #AvinashMishra
6) #EishaSingh
7) #ShilpaShirodkar
Eisha & Shilpa are in danger zone. #BiggBoss18 #BiggBoss #BB18
It’s worth noting that these voting trends are unofficial and may change as fans continue to vote for their favourite contestants. The mid-week eviction will soon reveal the top six contestants for the finale. Keep voting to support your favourite contestants!