As the grand finale of Bigg Boss 18 approaches, set for January 19, seven contestants remain in the race for the coveted trophy. Among them, Karanveer Mehra and Vivian Dsena are considered the top contenders for the title. However, Karanveer’s game may be at risk due to several mistakes he has made during the season.
Here’s a closer look at the 5 missteps that could potentially derail his path to victory:-
1. Overconfidence
Karanveer Mehra’s biggest challenge is his overconfidence. He has shown a level of self-assurance that could backfire, as history has proven that overconfident contestants rarely go on to win Bigg Boss. His belief that his game is flawless may blind him to the mistakes he’s making.
2. Relationship Centered Game
A recent controversy saw Karanveer’s game centered around relationship, particularly during the Ticket to Finale task. This focus drew criticism from host Salman Khan, who questioned Karanveer’s dedication to the show. Salman even suggested that Karanveer might be better off leaving the show. This shift in priorities could hurt his chances of winning.
3. Joke Tendency
Karanveer’s tendency to joke during serious conversations is another potential setback. His approach of laughing off important issues and responding based on his mood may alienate both his co-contestants and the audience. The lack of seriousness in critical moments could lead to a loss of support.
4. Defending Friends
Karanveer’s reluctance to take a stand against his friends could harm his position in the game. Instead of calling out his friends when they’re wrong, he tends to defend them, which may seem like a lack of conviction. In a competitive environment like Bigg Boss, this could be seen as a weakness.
5. Giving Up On Tasks
Lastly, Karanveer’s habit of quitting tasks halfway could hurt his chances of winning. In a game that demands full commitment, easily giving up on challenges sends the wrong message to both viewers and fellow contestants. If Karanveer wants to secure a win, he will need to show more resilience and determination in the remaining days of the competition.
With just one week remaining in the competition, Karanveer needs to address these issues if he hopes to make it to the top. His game is at a critical juncture, and only time will tell if he can turn things around in time for the finale.