Kashish Kapoor’s eviction from the Bigg Boss 18 house has left only 9 contestants vying for the winner’s spot. The competition is fierce, and many strong contenders are making their mark, including Rajat Dalal, Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, and Chaahat Pandey. However, it seems that Karan Veer Mehra may be sabotaging his own chances with his growing attitude. From being rude to others to unnecessarily involving himself in every issue, his actions are starting to raise eyebrows.
On Kashish Kapoor’s Eviction
Whenever someone is evicted from the house, no matter how many issues they have, everyone usually praises them in the end. But this was not the case when Kashish Kapoor was evicted. While others left, Karanveer Mehra went on to say that he doesn’t respect those who don’t respect others. His fans were quite upset upon hearing this.
Sorry but Karanveer Mehra has downgraded …he behaves so nicely to Avinash & eisha who have trash talked him the worst but he’s treating Kashish so badly who’s not said as bad about him like chugli gang has, makes me think Vivian is more deserving now. #BiggBoss18 #BB18 #BiggBoss https://t.co/ZEP4LIsHCO
— . (@SonaliFan) January 5, 2025
Rudeness Towards Chaahat
Karan Veer Mehra did not spare Chaahat Pandey either. Karan has insulted Chaahat multiple times. When Avinash questioned Chahat’s character, Karan supported him and took his side.
Enmity With Vivian Dsena
Karan Veer Mehra and Vivian Dsena knew each other even before coming on the show. Both have mentioned several times that they were friends, but now they have turned into rivals. While Vivian’s behavior towards Karan is not as rude, Karan Veer consistently attempts to undermine Vivian. Nouran also warned Vivian about this.
Karan’s Disrespectful Behavior Towards Shilpa
After Kashish Kapoor’s eviction, when Shilpa Shirodkar asked Karan Veer to come and say goodbye to her, Karan Veer rudely replied, “Abey ja, main nahi aa raha.” It was completely inappropriate for him to speak like this to a senior contestant. In fact, this wasn’t the first time he had been rude to Shilpa.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Kashish Kapoor’s Five Major Revelations After Eviction, Predicts Show’s Winner!
Misbehavior With Kashish’s Mother
Karan Veer’s behavior hasn’t been limited to the housemates alone; he has also shown disrespect towards their family members. A prime example of this was when Kashish Kapoor’s mother was having a conversation with Avinash, and Karan interfered, attempting to stir up a new controversy. However, Kashish quickly recognized his intentions and instructed her mother to stay quiet, preventing further tension.