During the highly anticipated Bigg Boss 18 grand finale on January 19, 2025, Akshay Kumar was expected to promote his upcoming film, Sky Force. However, reports of his abrupt exit from the set without filming sparked speculation. Addressing the rumors, Akshay clarified that the delay was due to Salman Khan’s late arrival, leaving him no choice but to leave as he had prior commitments.
Akshay Breaks His Silence At Press Conference
Speaking at the Sky Force press conference in Delhi, Akshay Kumar explained, “I had to leave because of other obligations. I also spoke with Salman before leaving to ensure there was no misunderstanding.” The actor added that Salman was delayed due to personal matters, which caused the scheduling issue.
According to reports, Akshay Kumar was slated to shoot with Salman Khan during the finale but had to depart after waiting for an hour. The actor revealed he had test screenings for his upcoming film Jolly LLB 3 scheduled and couldn’t afford further delays. Despite efforts from the production team to bring him back, Akshay could not return.
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Salman Khan Responds To Akshay’s Exit
During the finale, Salman Khan acknowledged Akshay’s absence and assured the audience there were no hard feelings. “Akki was here to promote his film, but I got delayed. He had other commitments and had to leave,” Salman remarked.
Despite the behind-the-scenes drama, the grand finale proceeded as planned. Karan Veer Mehra emerged as the winner, taking home the coveted trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 50 lakh.
This unexpected twist added to the buzz surrounding the finale, leaving fans eager for more updates from their favorite stars.