The recent Bigg Boss 18 promo features host Farah Khan taking Eisha Singh and Shrutika Arjun to task for their ongoing obsession with fellow contestant Karan Veer Mehra. Known for her direct approach, Farah didn’t hold back as she addressed the constant focus on Karan, which has become a recurring topic of discussion in the house. In the promo, Farah can be seen questioning Eisha, saying, “Eisha, your obsession with Karan is very strange..Aap obsessed hai Karan Veer Mehra se.”
Farah Khan ne Eisha se pooche kuch teekhe sawaal, kya woh unhe convincing jawaab de paayegi?
Dekhiye #BiggBoss18 Weekend Ka Vaar, Saturday-Sunday raat 9:30 baje, sirf #Colors aur @JioCinema par.#BiggBoss18 #BiggBoss #BB18#FarahKhanKunder @EishaSingh24— ColorsTV (@ColorsTV) December 7, 2024
The Obsession With Karan Veer Mehra
Karan Veer Mehra has emerged as a standout contestant this season, often drawing attention for his composed yet impactful gameplay. His ability to stay in the spotlight without indulging in unnecessary drama has made him a key player in the house. However, this has also led to a group of housemates, including Eisha and Shrutika, focusing on him excessively, both in arguments and discussions.
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Fans React To Farah’s Bold Statement
Farah Khan’s remark has triggered a wave of reactions on social media. Many fans appreciated her for calling out the unnecessary targeting of Karan Veer Mehra. A fan said “Finally a reason to watch Bigg Boss again, i almost gave up on the show, finally some justice.” Another said ” We appreciate Farah Khan’s bold move in supporting Karan veer. As viewers, it’s refreshing to see someone in her position taking a principled stand. Karan Veer Mehra is undoubtedly the heart and soul of this season, and we can’t wait to see more of him shine!”