As Family Week unfolds in Bigg Boss 18, contestants are being joined by their loved ones inside the house. Vivian Dsena’s wife Nouran Aly, Karan Veer Mehra’s sister, Shilpa Shirodkar’s daughter, and Eisha Singh’s mother Rekha Ji have all made their entries, spending precious moments with the contestants. But along with heartwarming reunions, some surprising truths are coming to light. Here’s what the family members have revealed…
Vivian’s Wife Exposes Avinash’s Fake Friendship
Vivian Dsena’s wife, Nouran Aly, was the first to expose Avinash Mishra’s fake friendship. Yes, Avinash recently nominated Vivian for eviction, and it was this game plan that Vivian’s wife revealed to the other housemates. She stated that no matter what, no one nominates their friends for eviction, but Avinash did exactly that with Vivian.
Nouran-When you nominated Vivi, it seemed like you wanted to align with KV to secure a spot in the finale while trying to eliminate Vivi.
— 𝑵𝒂𝒉𝒚𝒂𝒏🥀 (@devil_nahyan) January 1, 2025
If you call someone bhaiya you don't do like that na🔥
I see this as a betrayal!
I love how straightforward she is🔥
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Family Members Expose The Three Most Fake Relationships In The House!
Vivian’s wife, Nouran, further stated that it seemed like Avinash wanted to eliminate Vivian from the house and team up with Karan Veer Mehra instead. During this, Karan Veer was seen nodding in agreement. Nouran Aly went on to expose Avinash’s intentions, saying that he wanted to get rid of Vivian to reach the finale week, and his actions made that clear.
Eisha’s Mother Questions Her Decisions
When Eisha’s mother, Rekha Ji, entered the Bigg Boss house, Eisha became very emotional. Rekha Ji also raised concerns about Eisha’s friendships. She questioned Eisha’s decision when, on Kashish’s suggestion, Eisha had turned against her friend Avinash by asking him tough questions. Rekha Ji didn’t approve of this behavior and asked Eisha several probing questions, subtly raising doubts about her gameplay.