New Delhi: Salman Khan’s show Bigg Boss 16 is all set to telecast today on Colors TV at 9.30 pm. Meanwhile, the interiors of the BB house have been revealed and it’s a lavish circus-themed affair. The pictures suggest that these houses are the most colourful ones ever created for the reality show.
As already revealed, this time there will be 4 big bedrooms in the BB House. Designer Omung Kumar and his wife Vanitha have designed the entire house in a circus theme. The house even has ‘welcome to the circus’ written on the entry.
Have a look at the pictures
Many interesting themes and patterns can be seen in the house. Reportedly, the captain of the house will get the maximum luxury with a private bathroom, complete with a jacuzzi, and a big round bed with an interesting headboard. A special palm shaped couch is also placed in the bedroom.
There will have four separate bedrooms for the contestants this time. There is a black and white room with a hint of blue with striped beds and sofa chairs. There is a dramatic bedroom with cards on walls and a huge masquerade mask and colourful furniture. Another bedroom has check walls in violent and beige with mirrors over bed headboards.
The restroom area is also interesting and colourful with a lion statue at the centre and a matching yellow couch in the area. The garden area also designed in the shape of a clown face.
Bigg Boss 16 Contestants
Abdul Rajik, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Tina Dutta, Shaleen Bhanot, Gautam Vij Singh, Sumbul Tauqeer Khan, Shiv Thackeray, Shivin Narang and Jannat Zubair can be seen in Bigg Boss 16.