Baby John OTT Release Update: ‘Baby John’, starring Varun Dhawan in the lead role, hit the theatres on Christmas 2024 but had an underwhelming performance at the box office than its expectations. The movie is inspired by the hit Tamil film ‘Theri’, starring Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. It revolves around a DCP, who changes his life completely to protect his young daughter. Take a look at the OTT update of ‘Baby John’ and where you can watch it.
Baby John OTT Release Update:
‘Baby John’ will release on Prime Video and its official release date has not been announced yet. According to OTTplay, the movie will be available for rent in the next two weeks.
In an interview with India Today, Varun clarified that ‘Baby John’ is not the remake of the hit Tamil film ‘Theri’ but an adaptation. He shared, “When Atlee came with this film, there was a reason behind it, and he said that we had to change a lot of the geography of the film. We have to use it as an adaptation and not really a proper remake, and I think that’s what’s done.”
He added, “Like you see, a lot of the frames and a lot of the story angles are different. So, if someone comes in expecting a book-by-book remake, they will be disappointed because that’s not what the film is. It’s an adaptation. We’re not running away from that, but it’s more of an adaptation”
Baby John was only able to collect around Rs 50 crore worldwide.
Meanwhile, Keerthy Suresh made her most awaited Bollywood debut in ‘Baby John’. The movie also stars Wamiqa Gabbi, Zara Zyanna and Jackie Shroff.