The much-anticipated film Azaad, featuring debutants Aaman Devgn and Rasha Thadani, opened to Rs. 1.5 crore on its first day. Despite clashing with Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency, which earned Rs. 2.35 crore on Day 1, the film shows potential for growth over the weekend. The makers are hopeful that positive word-of-mouth will boost the film’s performance.
Mixed Audience Reactions
Early reports by Sacnilk indicate mixed reactions from viewers. Set in pre-Independence India, Azaad follows the story of Govind (Aaman Devgn), a stable boy from an underprivileged background, who evolves from seeking revenge to becoming a rebel. His journey is guided by Vikram Singh (Ajay Devgn), a dacoit fighting for justice.
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Star Appeal And Chemistry Boost Interest
The film benefits from an extended cameo by Ajay Devgn, which has drawn significant attention. The fresh chemistry between the leads, Aaman Devgn and Rasha Thadani, has also garnered praise. Rasha, the daughter of Raveena Tandon and Anil Thadani, delivers a promising performance, adding emotional depth to the narrative.
Themes Of Revenge, Justice, And Loyalty
The story delves into the dynamic between Govind and Jaanki (Rasha Thadani), the daughter of a ruthless zamindar, as Govind’s quest for revenge transforms into a fight for justice. Central to the film is the bond between Govind and his horse, Azaad, a symbol of loyalty and strength.
Despite the nationwide ticket price reduction to Rs. 99, the opening numbers were modest. However, the extended weekend and growing interest in the film might lead to better box office performance in the coming days.
Fans of Ajay Devgn and the debutant stars can catch Azaad in cinemas. The action-adventure drama promises a compelling tale set against the backdrop of British India.