New Delhi: Samyuktha took to social media today to wish women a happy Attukal Pongala, a large women’s festival held each year in Thiruvananthapuram. She wasn’t the only celebrity who wished people well. Singer KS Chitra and others took to social media to express their best wishes. This festival, also known as the “Women’s Sabarimala,” is one of the largest women-centric festivals.
South celebs celebrate Attukal Pongala
Vaathi actor Samyutha took to her social media to write, “Let us celebrate the Divine Feminine! Adisakthi, the primordial Sakthi, is worshipped as Kottravai and incarnated as Kanaki at the Attukal Pongala, the largest spiritual gathering in the entire South India.”
Let us celebrate the Divine Feminine! Adisakthi, the primordial Sakthi, is worshipped as Kottravai and incarnated as Kanaki at the Attukal Pongala, the largest spiritual gathering in the entire South India. #Attukalpongala #DivineFeminine #Adisakthi #Kottravai #Thiruvananthapuram…
— Samyuktha (@iamsamyuktha_) March 7, 2023
Pinky Kannan, who appears in Malayalam TV serials, also celebrated Attukal Pongala with great zeal.
Anjali Rao, a South Indian actor, took to social media to share her first Pongala experience. Anjali was recently seen in the Malayalam film Adrishyam.
K S Chitra, one of South India’s most famous singers, took to social media to sing a beautiful song in honour of Attukal Pongala.
പ്രകൃതി സൗഹൃദവും സുരക്ഷിതവുമാവട്ടെ ഈ പൊങ്കാല.
ആറ്റുകാൽ പൊങ്കാല ആശംസകൾ #AttukalPongala #KSChithra— K S Chithra (@KSChithra) March 6, 2023
Its Significance
Women in Kerala celebrate Attukal Pongala, which falls on the ninth day of the 10-day festival. In Thiruvananthapuram, women gather to make pongal, or sweet porridge made of rice, jaggery, cardamom, and coconut, in honour of Attukal Bhagavathy Amman. This festival is celebrated by millions of women in Kerala and elsewhere. This festival was inducted into the Guinness Book of Records in 2009 because 25 lakh women gathered on a single day to celebrate Attukal Pongala.