Yamini Malhotra, who rose to fame with her wildcard entry in Bigg Boss 18, has recently shared her heartbreaking experience of struggling to find a rental home in Mumbai. Despite being a well-known face in the entertainment industry, Yamini revealed that she has faced discrimination and unwarranted questions about her religion and profession while looking for a place to stay in the city.
Taking to Instagram, Yamini shared an emotional post, detailing how landlords and agents questioned her with remarks such as, “Are you Hindu or Muslim? Gujarati or Marwari?” In addition to these personal inquiries, she mentioned that many prospective landlords outright rejected her simply because she is an actress.
“Hello friends, I just wanted to share something truly heartbreaking,” she wrote on her Instagram story. “As much as I love Mumbai, finding a home here has been incredibly difficult. I’ve been asked questions like, ‘Are you Hindu or Muslim? Gujarati or Marwari?’ And as soon as people hear I’m an actor, they outright refuse.” Yamini’s post resonated with many, raising concerns about the prevalent biases in housing practices.
Yamini Malhotra also questioned whether being an actress made her any less deserving of a home. “Does being an actor make me any less deserving of a home? It’s shocking that even in 2025, such questions are being asked. Can we really call this the city of dreams if dreams come with conditions?” she questioned, highlighting the deeply ingrained stereotypes that actors, especially women, continue to face.
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While Yamini did not mention whether she eventually found a place to live, her post sheds light on the challenges that many celebrities, particularly actresses, endure when trying to rent homes in Mumbai. Similar issues have been reported by other industry professionals as well. Actress Charu Asopa had previously shared her own struggles, revealing that she faced rejection from landlords because she is a single parent.
Yamini’s experience serves as a reminder that, even in a modern metropolis like Mumbai, biases and discrimination continue to shape the everyday lives of individuals, regardless of their fame or achievements.
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