Veteran Bollywood actor and popular face of Kapil Sharma show, Archana Puran Singh suffered a serious accident on the set of her upcoming film. The incident happened around 5 am, post which she was immediately taken to Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital in Vile Parle, Mumbai, where she underwent surgery for a fractured wrist.
Actor Shares Details
Archana documented the entire unfortunate incident in her vlog on YouTube, which shows her with a fractured wrist, bruises on face and swelling on her right hand and lips. She also shared an update on her Instagram account with the caption that read, “The caption read, “Jo hota hai acchhe ke liye hota hai… I’m trying to believe that. I’m fine, really, and staying as positive as usual. (bas ek haath se kucch bhi kaam karne mein kitni mushkil hoti hai, AB pata chal raha hai ).”
The news of her accident deeply affected her family. Her son Ayushmaan Sethi informed his brother Aaryaman about the mishap, which moved him to tears. The video filmed by Archana’s husband and actor Parmeet Sethi, shows her sharing the details of the ordeal. “I was in shock. Never thought something like this would happen to me,” she shared.
Reflecting on the incident, she added, “I have learned a lot of lessons through this experience. Anything can happen but eventually everything turns out to be alright. My face could have gone. But it’s just my wrist. It will be fine. This has happened for a reason. They’ve told me they need me only for a few hours.”
Shoot To Resume Soon
Archana also mentioned about the shoot for her film with Rajkummar Rao and how her health has resulted in the loss for the entire unit. “I was doing a night shift in Virar. I called Rajkummar Rao and told him that I was very upset about leaving the shoot. So, today, I’m returning to Virar to complete the shoot, because those poor guys are going to suffer losses otherwise. I’m wearing a full-sleeve outfit, and they’ll shoot me from angles where you won’t be able to tell I’m injured.”
The production team has agreed to limit Archana’s daily shooting hours to three, prioritising her well-being.
Watch YouTube Video Here: